Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Donations Received

Many donations have been received, both small & large but all as important as each other, Goods to sell, food to feed the ever growing number of hungry mouths to feed:

These have include Food,

Various donation for taking in Cats & Kittens ... £420.00
For all donations big & small we have received.

Thank You.

Jam Jars
Due to the number of events we are attending the sale of Jams & Pickles is outstripping our supply of Jars
Do you have any unwanted Jam or Pickle Jars or similar that we can recycle to use for our Homemade Jams & Pickles etc?
Please ring to arrange for us to collect any that you may have

Please continue to help us in any way you can however large or small, they all count and make a big difference.

Thank you ALL very much.

Thanks to ALL our Sponsors for your very special & regular contributions towards the care of the Elderly and more Unusual cats we are looking after.
Many of you have set up Standing Orders, which really do make a really pleasant surprise when we check the Bank Account

A Reminder & A Big Thank You

Are you one of the few members who has forgotten to renew your membership this year. The vast majority have Thank You very much, but no matter, Why ?

Just fill in the membership application form, and start all over again, and receive your newsletter by post, as usual.

Sponsorship Scheme
Thank you to all those who continue their help in this way the donations of cash and Direct Debits, food, litter and blankets have been most warmly appreciated by the cats and kittens
....Once again
Many Thanks to YOU ALL.

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